
How To Dress For Your Upcoming Hunting Trip

How To Dress For Your Upcoming Hunting Trip?

If you’re new to the hunting scene and not sure how to dress while on a hunting trip, you’ll want to stay tuned to learn what to wear. Yes, winter is about here, but it’s never too early to put some hunting clothing on your wishlist. They also make a perfect gift for the hunter in your life.

Dress in Layers

For the upcoming winter season, the keyword is warmth. Don’t be a hotshot and grin and bear it while on a hunt. Comfort is essential, especially if you’re planning to make it an all-day affair. Insulated wear is your best bet, so investing in layers will pay off. Gloves, hats, boots, thick socks, undershirts, pants, jackets, and coats should be in your shopping cart. If you’re hunting in early fall, you may not need a heavy coat and gloves and instead, a long-sleeved shirt and jacket. A billed hat shields your eyes from the blinding sunrise or sunset, so think about investing in one.

Go Incognito

When choosing your wear, it’s important to blend into your environment. Standing out in neon yellow or green allows the big game to pick you out and then scatter like cockroaches. You’re hunting is over before it’s begun. So, the best thing is to dress in camo, which includes dark green, khaki, brown, and whites mixed to create the illusion you blend into the environment. You can also opt for earth tones, which hunters seem to like more than camo. If you’re quiet and don’t stand out to the game, your chances of catching and shooting that big elk increases.

A Ghillie suit can help you blend into your surroundings and replaces every other item you may need. Some places sell a 3-D type camo that closely resembles foliage you would never guess, hid a person. Of course, think about the weather, because the suits can become hot. If you’ll be hunting in warm weather, get a lightweight ghillie suit. 

Dress for the Type of Hunting

If you’re planning on some waterfowl hunting, you’ll obviously be near water. If it’s fall, you can shoot for lighter weight, waterproof clothing. If it’s winter, you’ll want insulated camo to stay warm while in cold water. If you plan on getting in the water to play decoys, choose waders. Hunting in marshy areas requires waterproof pants and boots.

Orange Blaze It

States require wearing orange blaze accessories to distinguish you from other hunters. So first find out those requirements. Depending on the season, you may need to have different accessories. Many outdoor stores and hunting brands make vests, hats, caps, beanies, and gloves at affordable prices.

Contact R&K Hunting Company

To get the best-guided hunts and to book your upcoming trip, call us. We can match you with the perfect guide for your needs and desires. Our guides are heavily trained and experienced and know the right places in which to hunt for the ideal trophy animals. Contact us today.